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(Pre-Note: I got this information verbally. I have no written documentation
on it at all. None. Zilch. If I'm wrong, sorry. But I believe I'm right (of

At the WWW conference in Boston (4th Int'l Conference), Microsoft announced
(I believe they may have announced it prior to this conference, but *I*
hadn't heard about it) that they will be "authenticating" Java scripts with
some kind of "seal of approval". The idea is that they'll guarantee (for a
certain sum of $) that the script has passed all virus checks,
damage-to-whatever checks, etc. available at the time of approval. This may
solve the problem of accountability -- Microsoft will be accepting the
liability for suit based on a particular script.

Of course, this also means, in the future, that (since Microsoft will be the
first to make a site of this nature, and will naturally have the most $ to
back up their claim of reliability) if we do go to a machine which is based
entirely on Java, Microsoft will know every single thing you do -- imagine:
You download your word processor program. The browser sees that Microsoft
has "verified" this program and asks Microsoft to validate a checksum of
some kind. Microsoft now knows who you are (or at least where you are) and
what program you're running. Gee, how convenient ;)

As with any situation involving CA's, the solution is to have lots of CA's,
which creates problems of its own.

Just some thoughts and reports on the state of the universe.


>More importantly, users WON'T turn off Java.  Animation and "cool
>graphics" are all part of the WWW addiction.  The answer is not
>going to be found in telling users "don't do anything risky".  We
>need to engineer systems that help assure accountability.  We then
>need laws that hold people accountable.  (I'm thinking of the
>digital signatures on Telescript scripts that (theoretically) ID
>the source (and verify the integrity) of the script.  The script
>won't run unless verified and the source identified as trustworthy.
>Then, of course, the laws come into effect.... if the Trojan Horse
>was planted in such a way that the "source" didn't realize what
>was being "signed".... and who decides what "trustworthy" means....
>and who can sue who for how much.... and this requires a lot of
>legal groundwork that has yet to be started.)

|    Daniel A. Turner           President, Turner Consulting Group   | 
|    2830 Calvert Street, N.W., Suite 2000; Washington, D.C. 20008   | 
|   Computer jacks-of-all-trades, specializing in Internet/WWW apps. | 
|    202-986-5533(V)         202-986-5532(F)          tcg@us.net(E)  | 
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"Yes, it can be done"++